Noclip Game History Archive is Digitizing a Decade of Videotapes to Preserve Lost Game History

Danny O’Dwyer has been creating video game documentaries under the Noclip banner since 2016, but he and his team are about to take on their biggest project yet.

Noclip has come into possession of hundreds of videotapes containing over a decade of lost video game history, including trailers, behind-the-scenes featurettes, B-roll footage, news reports, and a whole lot more. The collection likely includes a lot of the same videos that Hit Save! is currently streaming as part of their Always On project.

But as O’Dwyer stressed in the Patreon announcement (which is embedded above), no one knows exactly what’s on these tapes, and some of the ones they’ve viewed contain some really interesting stuff. There’s a previously-unavailable Behind Closed Doors Demo for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from E3 2001, a tour of Nintendo’s Nintendo of America’s Employee-Only Museum, a newly-remastered Reveal Trailer for Uncharted, and a lot more.

You can see everything Noclip has digitized so far at the dedicated Noclip Game History Archive channel on both YouTube and the Internet Archive.

Good luck to O’Dwyer and his team as they work with all the temperamental video equipment needed to digitize these tapes.

Author: VGC | John

John Scalzo has been writing about video games since 2001, and he co-founded Warp Zoned in 2011. Growing out of his interest in game history, the launch of Video Game Canon followed in 2017.