Bite-Sized Game History: John Boyne’s Google Blunder, Localizing Dragon Quest Builders, and Remembering Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game

Google Bombing was a popular activity in the early 2000s, as coordinated groups of people attempted to link humorous results to seemingly innocuous searches.

The search engine had mostly put an end to the practice by 2010, which means that the top result for “miserable failure” no longer points to a page about George W. Bush. But quirks in the algorithm can still cause trouble for people who don’t bother to read beyond the first few links. Author John Boyne, probably best known for writing The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, learned that lesson for himself recently.

This edition of Bite-Sized Game History will look at Boyne’s blunder, as well as Dragon Quest Builders, and remembering Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game on its tenth anniversary.

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