VG247’s “The Best Games Ever Podcast” Answers the Important Questions

You’ve got plenty of options if you’re looking for a panel discussion about the answer to simple queries like “The Best PS2 Game” or “The Best Horror Game.” So that’s why VG247 decided to answer the truly important questions in The Best Games Ever Podcast, their brand new podcast.

Hosted by Jim Trinca (who also declares a winner at the end of each episode), three members of the VG247 team are given an absolutely ridiculous prompt (my current favorite is “The Best Game Someone Not in the Know Would Think You’d Made Up“) and then they have to justify their selection:

“What is this new podcast?” you ask, with the child-like glee usually reserved for when you spot a new type of M&M or an ice cream version of a favourite childhood sweet. Well, it’s quite simple, really. Each week three of us must present our choice for the best game ever that meets certain criteria. Then our host/judge, Jim Trinca, will decide who has made the best case and declare a winner.

A few other gems include “The Best Game With a Minigame Better Than the Main Game” and “The Best Game That Journos Love But Most People Think is a Bit Naff” (it probably doesn’t need to be said, but VG247 is a very British publication).

Eight episodes of The Best Games Ever Podcast have been produced so far, and a new episode will appear every Friday.

Author: VGC | John

John Scalzo has been writing about video games since 2001, and he co-founded Warp Zoned in 2011. Growing out of his interest in game history, the launch of Video Game Canon followed in 2017.